Cantina #66 is not overly remarkable, it is shuffled off in the corner of the dorms and run by Imperial staff. The music is forgettable and the veteran students and staff know to avoid the Mystery Meat Pies. The drinks are relatively cheap though and the atmosphere is relaxed. The staff and faculty can be found here on off hours and students are allowed as well. The school does not care if they drink, they feel if they are fool enough to sabotage themselves then have at it.
The upper floors are reserved for Officers and well to do Sith, but this is more by tradition than a hard and fast rule. Most of the music is pre-recorded but on occasion Private Shim and his band will play which usually draws a crowd.
The best drink on the menu is the Order 66. Drinks run about 5 credits a meal is 5 credits and there is a happy hour where drinks drop to 2 credits a glass. Despite it being advertised, there has never been a Happy Hour in the history of the establishment.
_________________ Head GM | Darth Chocolate of the Sith | Duelist