The Dark Academy on Korriban

Structure of the Empire
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Author:  Dapper Dog [ Wed Oct 05, 2016 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Structure of the Empire

Structure of the Empire

Emperor: The Emperor is the power behind the Sith, he is old and most Imperials are raised to believe he is immortal. His name is Vitiate but most just call him the Emperor, a dark side master and the highest rank Sith in the Empire, and the ruler. He is a distant monarch though, rarely seen by the populace. Directly beneath the Emperor is the Dark Council, and they run the day to day affairs of the Empire.

The Dark Council: The Dark Council is made up of the most powerful Sith in the Empire, to be on the council one must be a Darth and then one must prove to the council that they belong at the apex of the political ladder. The Dark Council runs the day to day affairs of the Empire from the military to managing the finances or seeing to the spread of propaganda. Each member is a powerful entity and tends to control an aspect of the Empire but here is a great deal of overlap which leads to conflict and intrigue.

The Sith: Beneath the Dark Council and above everyone else in the Empire are the Sith. The Sith are the major power in the Empire and are essentially a privileged class from the lowest apprentice to the highest Darth. The Sith are dominated by humans true Sith, with some other species though rare and often maligned by those that come from true Sith lineages. The highest ranking Sith achieve the rank of Darth, powerful and dangerous and often surrounded by powerful Sith allies and apprentices. Beneath Darth is the rank of Lord, they fill higher positions from instructors to military commanders or heads of departments within the Empire. Lords are powerful Sith often in service to a Darth and often with their own apprentices. The general rank and file are simply called Sith, and beneath them are true apprentices though that title can be used for anyone beneath another Sith.

Imperial Military: The Imperial military supports the Empire by defending its space and conquering the enemies of the Empire. Imperials can rise to high rank and even rival the Sith, especially those that rise to the rank Moff can often control whole systems. Imperials are at the mercy of the Sith and rarely disobey them unless they have the backing of another Sith. The military will often becomes pawns in the games of the Sith, and sometimes even operate as private armies though the military is very professional and dedicated to the cause.

Imperial Citizens: The rest of the people I the Empire that are not slaves or droids are the Imperials, both common people and the nobility. Most nobility tend to have sith blood but not all and they live and die at the pleasure of the Sith. Imperial citizens live under a a highly regimented society but have a fairly high standard of living supporting the Sith. Imperials fear and respect the Sith, for good reason. A Sith is rarely punished for killing a citizen, at the same time most citizens tend to be in service either directly or indirectly to another Sith so that could involve repercussions.

Slaves: The Empire utilizes legions of slaves many are non-human and often born into slavery. Slaves are utilized throughout the Empire for civic works, personal servants, and providing labor. Sometimes they can be freed by their masters but rarely and sometimes the Empire or Dark Council may free a portion for political reasons but the rarest form of elevation is becoming a Sith through displaying force powers.

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