The Dark Academy on Korriban

The Seat of Power for the Sith

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 Post subject: Timeline up to 3656 BBY
PostPosted: Sun Oct 09, 2016 10:46 pm 
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Joined: Sun Oct 02, 2016 1:26 am
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Timeline of the Great Galactic War

  • Ancient History: The Pre-Republic and perhaps even Sith era is shrouded in mystery though what is known is that a species known as the Rakata a force sensitive race dominated the Galaxy before they declined into nothing. They left many relics including the Star Forge, a powerful Force-Technological device that aided Revan in his war.
  • Great Hyperspace War: A major conflict that embroiled the galaxy in a war between the nascent Republic and the Sith Empire. It was the first real threat by the Sith in galactic Space and although it ended with their defeat it left deep scars across the galaxy and established many of the traditions of the Sith, which they adhere to, to this day. This takes place approximately 5000 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin).
  • The Rise and Fall of Revan: Approximately three hundred years prior to the Great Galactic War a Jedi rose to prominence and then fell to become the a Sith Lord, Darth Revan. Forged in battle his armies nearly conquered the Republic before he was defeated and then redeemed. He broke the Sith armies and destroyed the Star Forge that fueled his war machine before disappearing into Dark Space. There are many that still see Revan as a hero on both sides of the conflict, though with time his legend has faded.
  • Rise of the Sith Empire: Having been exiled to the far reaches of the Galaxy the Sith that would become the Sith Emperor settled his people on Dromund Kaas, it would eventually become the capital of the Empire. From here the Sith Empire began plotting a revenge for their exile that would take centuries to see to fruition. In this time the Republic had forgotten about the Sith, though the Jedi still remembered. This was a time of relative peace for both major factions.
  • Battle of Korriban: In the year 3681 BBY the Sith Empire roused their warmachine and invaded Republic space, specifically the Tingel Arm region. The surprise strike decimated the Republic forces who were will-prepared for the strike but it was all a feint to draw Republic forces from the true objective, Korriban. Darth Marr took command of the fleets that invaded the Tingel arm to buy time for Imperial forces to seize Korriban led by Darth Malgus and his master, who did not survive the conflict. This victory was so decisive that the Republic was unaware of the loss for several weeks. If not for Master Satele Shan, the Jedi may not have known at all that Korriban was lost, one of the few survivors of the conflict. War had returned to the Galaxy.
  • Unstoppable Offensive: Between the years of 3681 BBY and 3677 BBY the Sith proved relentless in their march towards galactic supremacy. The Republic forces were ill-prepared for the brutality and the effectiveness of the Imperial war machine. Coupled with that was decades of seeding governments with spies and traitors within the Republic and many worlds fell without a single shot. The Senate and the Republic was back pedaling and the Jedi seemed indecisive in their actions.
  • The Jedi March to War: In the year 3677 BBY the Jedi Council met to discuss the progress of the War and their role in it. Grand Master Thurel Sho advised peace and sought diplomatic action but she was undermined by Master Horus Kun, a famed hero he advocated that the time for peace was over. He declared that he would fight for the Republic and many Jedi followed him. With Jedi forces working alongside the battered Republic forces, the tide started to turn. Culminating in the defeat of Darth Yun, a Dark Council member, at the Battle of Heros Prime.
  • Republic Emboldened: The victory at Heros Prime gave the Republic Military and many Republic worlds confidence that the Sith could be stopped. With the Republic war machine fully rolling the Republic Forces were able to turn the blitz into defined battle lines and even hold territory. With more and more Jedi joining the conflict it seemed that things could turn around. By the end of 3676 BBY, there was a tinge of hope.
  • The Dread Masters: The Empire had planned for this and were ready to unleash the Dread Masters, a cadre of Sith who specialized in terror. Together they could break whole fleets by inspiring mind shattering terror in their enemies, they deployed to the lines with the fiercest fighting and quickly turned the tide against the Republic. Over the next three years they would prove nearly unstoppable. By 3673 the Outer Rim was in tatters and fully in the control of the Empire. Then a reprieve came, the Dread Masters and their forces did not move coreward.
  • The Reprieve: It is uncertain why the Dread Masters did not push their assault coreward, some say they were searching for something, others say the Emperor gave them a specific task and victory in war was only tertiary to their mandate. The Dread Masters did not push their lines and the Republic had a moment to strengthen their crumbling defenses. In other theaters the Empire was advancing but it was much slower without the Dread Masters in the field.
  • The Miradian Sacrifice: In 3670 BBY the Republic launched a sneak attack on the world of Miradi, they had intel that the Dread Masters had gathered there. A team of hardened Jedi pierced the inner sanctum and defeated the Dread Masters at great cost, the entire fleet was lost and Jedi Master Horus Kun was lost in the battle. It was a great and terrible day for the Republic, a turning point in the conflict.
  • The Hutts Abstain: In the days following the loss of the Dread Masters the Hutt cartels took stock of the situation in the galaxy ad although not a major player like the Empire or Republic they controlled considerable resources and wealth. The Hutts decided after much internal conflict that neutrality was the best path forward, as there was too much uncertainty in aligning with either side. The Republic was seen as the weaker party but still a worthy ally and the Sith were seen as dangerous and possibly bad for business. By the end of 3669 BBY, the Republic and Empire established embassies on Nar Shaddaa to maintain good relations with the Hutt cartels, the move had worked to enrich their profits.
  • Rise of King Horus Kun: In 3664 BBY the galaxy was awash with blood when a new new force entered the picture. Jedi, or at least they seemed like Jedi launched a surprise attack on Imperial forces in the Taris system. This surprise assault was devastating and much of the fleet was lost. On Coruscant envoys from the House of Horus Kun arrived offering an alliance. Jedi Master Horus Kun had survived ad established a new government and order of Jedi with himself as the leader. In a time of desperation the Senate was open to working with this new government but the Jedi were suspicious at the turn of events.
  • Sith Response: The Dark Council called out for blood, well Darth Thanaton and his supporter did, Darth Arya agreed though not as vociferously. Darth Marr was quiet on the matter and also occupied with dominating the war. Darth Vengean at the urging of Lord Baras offered patience. It was a strange stance that did not receive much traction until Lord Baras was allowed to take the floor and explain that the Jedi would turn against this new ally. There were doubts but when Darth Marr agreed the rest of the council eventually fell into line. Lord Baras then set his agents to work.
  • The Jedi Act: In early 3663 BBY the Jedi Council came to a decision on the matter of Horus Kun, it was a decision that would cause Grand Master Thurel Sho to step down and go into exile of her own accord. A strike team was formed after evidence was brought to the Jedi Council that Horus Kun had fallen and was trying to supplant the Jedi order. It was an assassination, or at least it should have been but King Horus Kun was prepared for the surprise attack. He immediately broke ties with the Republic and attacked, he was eventually defeated but the protracted conflict drained considerable resources from the Republic and soured the reputation of the Jedi.
  • Behind the Scenes: The conflict between the Republic and the traitor forces was exacerbated by agents working for Lord Baras, what should have been a short conflict became a long drawn out siege that costed millions of lives and a great deal of resources. A great success for Lord Baras and his master Darth Vengean.
  • Republic in Decline: Years of war passed as the lines shifted and world changed hands many by blood and battle others by diplomacy or fear. The Jedi were split on the war, some still sought peace while others chose to act. Many in the Republic military are reluctant to engage Jedi forces as they feel the Jedi Code restricts what actions they could commit in the field. Meanwhile the Sith continued their march of victory, relying on overwhelming force to secure victory. Yet such a momentum is not sustainable and cracks are showing in stratagem. By 3658 BBY things were bleak for the Republic.
  • Offense is the best Defense: A new commander of the allied Republic Forces took control, General Tiyana Vill. She was a squadron leader during the defeat at the Battle of Korriban, she had seen first hand what the Sith were capable of and had seen weaknesses in their strategy. Weaknesses she started to capitalize on by utilizing clandestine strikes behind enemy lines, diverting funds to indigenous resistance forces, and putting the Sith on the defensive. It was a hard sell but the early results have been promising. By 3656 BBY the Republic was gaining momentum with a newly emboldened Jedi order supporting the Republic military.
  • 3656 BBY: The time is now.

Head GM | Darth Chocolate of the Sith | Duelist

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