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 Post subject: [Day 7 - EE] Council is in Second Session - Event
PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 2:36 am 
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Council is in Second Session

Event Type: Exam
Participants: Aspirants must have Reputation 7 or higher and 4 Graduation points at the start of Day 7.
Timeslots: Early Evening

Reputation Affected: NA
Description: It is a long held tradition that the top students are allowed to act as pages for the Dark Council during one of their sessions, this is a prestigious posting to be acknowledged as such and allows these students top rub shoulders with the elite Sith of the Empire. Aspirants can only attend one session.

Reward: For attending a session gain 1 Graduation point and 200 credits.

Head GM | Darth Chocolate of the Sith | Duelist

 Post subject: Re: [Day 7 - EE] Council is in Second Session - Event
PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 4:11 am 
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Zeno Deathwright is present for the evening session. He stands as page to Darth Ravage, standing behind him at an appropriate spot due his station. The man in charge of putting important enemies in black bags? Yes please! It's only a shame that Lord Zash was not on the council.

Sith Lord | Force Sensitive | Human (sith-blood) | Reputation 7 | Imperial Noble | Pilot | Duelist | 16 Graduation Points | Bane of Death's Shadow | Zash's Talent | Team Zeno
Equipment: armored clothes, utility belt, datapad, custom tuk'ata helm, shoto (pravá ruka) & shoto (ľavá ruka), backpack, wilderness survival kit

 Post subject: Re: [Day 7 - EE] Council is in Second Session - Event
PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 4:14 am 
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(OOC: Darth Vowrawn, plz 8-) )

It was an honor to stand in the presence of the Dark Council, even more so to be present and by the side of one of its members while they were in session. While she suspected that they wouldn't handle the truly important issues with Acolytes present, Shaisha still considered the experience to be one of importance... for when she would one day rightfully hold her own seat on the Council.

Dressed well for such a gathering, the young female Sith stood tall(ish) with pride and confidence beside the seat of Darth Vowrawn, the head of Internal Affairs of the Empire.

Force Sensitive | Pureblood Sith | Heir to a Sith Bloodline | Thrillseeker | Shien Sentinel | Bane of Death's Shadow | Team Vowrawn | Team Lord Scourge
Rep: 9 - Grad: 13 | Bio | Theme 3 |

Gear: Shadowsuit with cloak, gloves, knife, communicator, datapad, utility belt with gadgets, lightsaber (Geist) & shoto lightsaber (Chwûq)

"Wrath and passion is my legacy, my blood, and my strength." - Shaisha Vreysk

 Post subject: Re: [Day 7 - EE] Council is in Second Session - Event
PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 4:18 am 
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It was no surprise that Kristal Serasai would hope to be able to serve as the page for Darth Marr. Given their seemingly joined sensibilities. Nothing would be more inspiring than being allowed to stand at his side for some time. Even as a mere page. Kristal could understand the importance of simple work such as this. Dutiful in her approach to it.

Though the Serasai name had been tarnished with the death of her father, she sought to prove the honor of it still. One day, she would hope, to be able to correct that part of history and shed light on the disservice done her family.

Force Sensitive | Human | Reputation: 7 | Imperial Noble | Acolyte | Disciplined | Jedi Killer | "Traitor's" Daughter
On Person: Heavy Clothing, Comlink, Combat Knife, Ancient Sword/Lightsaber

"Cowardice is beneath me."


 Post subject: Re: [Day 7 - EE] Council is in Second Session - Event
PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 2:12 pm 
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Posts: 416
Khalim also found himself in the second session of the Sith Council, moving over to stand near Darth Thanaton as he was expected to do. Wearing his finest, yet with a traditional black robe to conceal much of it, he paints the appropriate picture of one who knows his station and wealth, yet also adheres to the more traditional past of the Sith Empire.

He stood ready to assist the Darth with anything he might need. Even though he was just a human, the man at least had the sensibility to understand that the history of the Sith was important, and that remembering from whence they came was crucial.

Force Sensitive | True Pureblood Sith | Heir to a Sith Bloodline | Reputation 9 - Graduation 9 | Recruiting | Wealthier Than Thou | Slayer of Death's Shadow
Carries: Armored robes, lightsaber, commlink, utility belt with...stuff

 Post subject: Re: [Day 7 - EE] Council is in Second Session - Event
PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 3:36 pm 
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Darth Thanaton rises and says, “Before we get to the pressing matters, I believe we should address the concerns swirling around Lord Zash and her grasping of power.”

Marr who is here as a hologram interjects sternly, “You waste our time, Thanaton. We have matters of the war to discuss.”

“I assure you, maintaining the integrity of the Sith is of vital importance,” Thanaton replies. He adds, “Send her in.”

Head GM | Darth Chocolate of the Sith | Duelist

 Post subject: Re: [Day 7 - EE] Council is in Second Session - Event
PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 3:37 pm 
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Posts: 147
Zash enters and bows respectfully and says, “My Lords, I am humbled to have your attentions.” She is dressed in a daring gown of black and red that accentuates her figure well. Behind her are two members of the Imperial Guard in bright shining red.

Sith Lord | Explorer | Sage | Radical | Good-Natured

 Post subject: Re: [Day 7 - EE] Council is in Second Session - Event
PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 4:35 pm 
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Zeno grins at her entrance. He hopes that she'll gain a seat but it seems more like they intend to address something they consider negative. Hopefully he hasn't chosen the wrong Darth to stand with, but he doesn't know how the balance of power lies within the room.

Sith Lord | Force Sensitive | Human (sith-blood) | Reputation 7 | Imperial Noble | Pilot | Duelist | 16 Graduation Points | Bane of Death's Shadow | Zash's Talent | Team Zeno
Equipment: armored clothes, utility belt, datapad, custom tuk'ata helm, shoto (pravá ruka) & shoto (ľavá ruka), backpack, wilderness survival kit

 Post subject: Re: [Day 7 - EE] Council is in Second Session - Event
PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 4:48 pm 
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Posts: 3534
Thanaton rises and says, “Lord Zash your actions have brought shame to this Academy and to the Sith. Your grasping of power and complete disregard for our traditions has resulted in the death of several aspirants and Sith apprentices. Now we have claims that you seek even greater power beyond your station.”

Marr interjects, “Thanaton is this not a matter to be handled by her Master and not the Council? You waste our time with trivialities.”

Vengean adds, “I agree.”

Arya hisses, “I side with Thanaton, no matter is too small when it comes to the sanctity of the Sith.”

Ravage says, “If she has wronged you Thanaton, kill her. Or do you lack the strength to end her? Be done with this and move on to more important matters.”

Thanaton raised his voice and said, “We are not animals, we are Sith and there is proper protocol that must be followed. Before I pass my judgment, what say you Lord Zash?”

Head GM | Darth Chocolate of the Sith | Duelist

 Post subject: Re: [Day 7 - EE] Council is in Second Session - Event
PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 4:56 pm 
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Zash nods and says, “Darth Thanaton, I apologize profusely that my actions have brought such shame. I have ever served to live up to the image of ore forbearers. We all know the names of Marka Rangos, Ajunta Pall… Lord Valien… Darth Traya… these are re names that resonate with power. I seek to understand what made them so unique and dominating in their eras. I am not content to revere the old Dark Lords of the Sith, I wish for us to harness their knowledge.”

“True power begets sacrifice, and perhaps I have been overzealous in my actions but if we are to win this war and crush the Republic we must no longer revere the ghosts of our past, we must harness them and strengthen the Sith.”

She bows her head and says, “If my actions have not served in the best interests of the Sith, then I welcome your censure.”

Sith Lord | Explorer | Sage | Radical | Good-Natured

 Post subject: Re: [Day 7 - EE] Council is in Second Session - Event
PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 5:02 pm 
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Zeno is pleased with the response. He is of a like mind on the subject. The past should not stay in the past if it can be used effectively in the present.

Sith Lord | Force Sensitive | Human (sith-blood) | Reputation 7 | Imperial Noble | Pilot | Duelist | 16 Graduation Points | Bane of Death's Shadow | Zash's Talent | Team Zeno
Equipment: armored clothes, utility belt, datapad, custom tuk'ata helm, shoto (pravá ruka) & shoto (ľavá ruka), backpack, wilderness survival kit

 Post subject: Re: [Day 7 - EE] Council is in Second Session - Event
PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 5:16 pm 
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Thanaton nods and says, “All great names of which you will never be. Death is too good for her, I vote we strip her of her status and exile her from the Empire. A fitting punishment for one who reaches dangerously for power.”

Vengean shrugs and supports the measure. Xevious grins and says, “I support the measure, Hurn?”

Hurn glares at Zash and says, “I see nothing of value, you have my support.”

Marr’s hologram says in a scathing but dramatic manner, “You waste my time, and the time of the council with this matter, Thanaton. I vote nay, solve your own matters.”

Ravage agrees, “I smell weakness, Thanaton. I vote nay.”

Arya chuckles and says, “I don’t care, so I choose nay.”

Vowrawn rolls his eyes and says, “I have yet to see an actual issue with her actions. I’m no great historian, but I would be desolated if Lord Zash could not attend my salons. I vote nay.”

Thanaton scowls and says, “Vowrawn, this is a serious matter!”

“I know, question my words again and you will see how serious this matter can be,” Vowrawn says with a smile.

All eyes turn to Jadus who is quiet. His vote would decide her fate, his word condemn her or validate her. Jadus speaks calmly, “Nay.”

Thanaton glares and takes his seat.

Marr adds, “The matter is settled, get this wretch out of my sight, we have wasted enough time bickering like children. The war demands our attention.”

Head GM | Darth Chocolate of the Sith | Duelist

 Post subject: Re: [Day 7 - EE] Council is in Second Session - Event
PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 5:16 pm 
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Posts: 147
Zash bows and leaves the way she came in.

Sith Lord | Explorer | Sage | Radical | Good-Natured

 Post subject: Re: [Day 7 - EE] Council is in Second Session - Event
PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 5:20 pm 
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Shaisha watched the exchange with a passive scowl (trademarked by Lord Scourge). The matter of Zash wasn't unknown to her, and to a degree she agreed with Thanaton.

But she was more curious to see how Vowrawn would respond to the situation.

And he did not disappoint! She couldn't help but to crack a smile at his response.

Force Sensitive | Pureblood Sith | Heir to a Sith Bloodline | Thrillseeker | Shien Sentinel | Bane of Death's Shadow | Team Vowrawn | Team Lord Scourge
Rep: 9 - Grad: 13 | Bio | Theme 3 |

Gear: Shadowsuit with cloak, gloves, knife, communicator, datapad, utility belt with gadgets, lightsaber (Geist) & shoto lightsaber (Chwûq)

"Wrath and passion is my legacy, my blood, and my strength." - Shaisha Vreysk

 Post subject: Re: [Day 7 - EE] Council is in Second Session - Event
PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 5:26 pm 
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Zeno watched on and realized he had chosen the right Darth. This was definitely his kind of man. Let a person solve their own problems through strength of arms. His respect grew for Darth Ravage tenfold in just the few short minutes they had been in session. And Zash was vindicated as well. This was turning out positively wonderful.

Sith Lord | Force Sensitive | Human (sith-blood) | Reputation 7 | Imperial Noble | Pilot | Duelist | 16 Graduation Points | Bane of Death's Shadow | Zash's Talent | Team Zeno
Equipment: armored clothes, utility belt, datapad, custom tuk'ata helm, shoto (pravá ruka) & shoto (ľavá ruka), backpack, wilderness survival kit

 Post subject: Re: [Day 7 - EE] Council is in Second Session - Event
PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 5:32 pm 
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Unsurprisingly, Kristal was another applicant who found her hopeful master to be a fitting choice. After all, she was unaware of the Zash situation as he was and while perhaps the words being used were worrying in one manner, there were far more important things she imagined the Council could be discussing.

Force Sensitive | Human | Reputation: 7 | Imperial Noble | Acolyte | Disciplined | Jedi Killer | "Traitor's" Daughter
On Person: Heavy Clothing, Comlink, Combat Knife, Ancient Sword/Lightsaber

"Cowardice is beneath me."


 Post subject: Re: [Day 7 - EE] Council is in Second Session - Event
PostPosted: Fri Oct 28, 2016 5:52 pm 
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Khalim also came to the conclusion that he had selected the proper Darth, as his was the only one with the courage to step up and say that another was being an absolute disgrace to the Sith Empire. He observes the whole ordeal stoically, however, though he is somewhat disappointed that Zash was able to escape the fate she so rightly deserved for reaching outside her bounds.

Force Sensitive | True Pureblood Sith | Heir to a Sith Bloodline | Reputation 9 - Graduation 9 | Recruiting | Wealthier Than Thou | Slayer of Death's Shadow
Carries: Armored robes, lightsaber, commlink, utility belt with...stuff

 Post subject: Re: [Day 7 - EE] Council is in Second Session - Event
PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 6:05 am 
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The Dark Council calls a brief recess after handling more business, allowing the students time to speak with a Dark Council member if they so choose.

Thanaton says to Khalim, “The Empire does not always move in the correct direction, it is imperative that future Sith understand the sanctity of what has come before. If we cast aside our traditions we threaten to undermine all that is Sith.”

Head GM | Darth Chocolate of the Sith | Duelist

 Post subject: Re: [Day 7 - EE] Council is in Second Session - Event
PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 12:31 pm 
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"It is an honor to serve Darth Ravage," Zeno says to the Dark Lord he is acting as page for. "I am pleasantly surprised at how similar our opinions on matters are."

Sith Lord | Force Sensitive | Human (sith-blood) | Reputation 7 | Imperial Noble | Pilot | Duelist | 16 Graduation Points | Bane of Death's Shadow | Zash's Talent | Team Zeno
Equipment: armored clothes, utility belt, datapad, custom tuk'ata helm, shoto (pravá ruka) & shoto (ľavá ruka), backpack, wilderness survival kit

 Post subject: Re: [Day 7 - EE] Council is in Second Session - Event
PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 2:44 pm 
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Zeno Deathwright wrote:
"It is an honor to serve Darth Ravage," Zeno says to the Dark Lord he is acting as page for. "I am pleasantly surprised at how similar our opinions on matters are."

“Deathwright, yes? I am told you were responsible for bringing Death’s Shadow low? To hunt the an apex hunter, is true power,” Ravage says with burning anger.

Head GM | Darth Chocolate of the Sith | Duelist

 Post subject: Re: [Day 7 - EE] Council is in Second Session - Event
PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 2:49 pm 
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Shaisha bows to Vowrawn and speaks in a quiet tone. "I have a feeling this is probably not the last we are going to see of that particular issue. Almost made me think she spurned him at some point..."

Force Sensitive | Pureblood Sith | Heir to a Sith Bloodline | Thrillseeker | Shien Sentinel | Bane of Death's Shadow | Team Vowrawn | Team Lord Scourge
Rep: 9 - Grad: 13 | Bio | Theme 3 |

Gear: Shadowsuit with cloak, gloves, knife, communicator, datapad, utility belt with gadgets, lightsaber (Geist) & shoto lightsaber (Chwûq)

"Wrath and passion is my legacy, my blood, and my strength." - Shaisha Vreysk

 Post subject: Re: [Day 7 - EE] Council is in Second Session - Event
PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 2:57 pm 
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Shaisha Vreysk wrote:
Shaisha bows to Vowrawn and speaks in a quiet tone. "I have a feeling this is probably not the last we are going to see of that particular issue. Almost made me think she spurned him at some point..."

“Oh my dear, well first there is the context of their relationship. Darth Thanaton is a powerful sith, if bit too traditional, and he holds power over Darth Skotia who in turn holds power over Zash and both Skotia and Thanaton hate Zash. I am not sure why, but she gets results which make it hard for them to just dispose of her,” Vowrawn says with a smile.

“Skotia sees an ambitious worm perhaps, and he should be concerned, Zash is dangerous. It is quite the show, and keeps them occupied.”

Head GM | Darth Chocolate of the Sith | Duelist

 Post subject: Re: [Day 7 - EE] Council is in Second Session - Event
PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 3:10 pm 
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She returns the smile with a ligh chuckle. "You sound like you enjoy the first row seat to that particular show."

This Darth was certainly much more entertaining than the other ones here.

Force Sensitive | Pureblood Sith | Heir to a Sith Bloodline | Thrillseeker | Shien Sentinel | Bane of Death's Shadow | Team Vowrawn | Team Lord Scourge
Rep: 9 - Grad: 13 | Bio | Theme 3 |

Gear: Shadowsuit with cloak, gloves, knife, communicator, datapad, utility belt with gadgets, lightsaber (Geist) & shoto lightsaber (Chwûq)

"Wrath and passion is my legacy, my blood, and my strength." - Shaisha Vreysk

 Post subject: Re: [Day 7 - EE] Council is in Second Session - Event
PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 3:31 pm 
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Posts: 2455
Dapper Dog wrote:
“Deathwright, yes? I am told you were responsible for bringing Death’s Shadow low? To hunt the an apex hunter, is true power,” Ravage says with burning anger.

"Indeed. When I heard rumors of him after arriving I made it a goal to find him and challenge myself against it. Unfortunately the hunt itself was not successful, but it seemed the dark side wished to guide me to face that challenge. I faced it once in a disadvantageous situation that required a tactical retreat, but returned to face him under more equal circumstances with aspirants Tsaikzu and Vresyk. It was an exciting challenge and worth the effort and I now keep his skull as a trophy," he explains.

Sith Lord | Force Sensitive | Human (sith-blood) | Reputation 7 | Imperial Noble | Pilot | Duelist | 16 Graduation Points | Bane of Death's Shadow | Zash's Talent | Team Zeno
Equipment: armored clothes, utility belt, datapad, custom tuk'ata helm, shoto (pravá ruka) & shoto (ľavá ruka), backpack, wilderness survival kit

 Post subject: Re: [Day 7 - EE] Council is in Second Session - Event
PostPosted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 3:43 pm 
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Posts: 3534
Shaisha Vreysk wrote:
She returns the smile with a ligh chuckle. "You sound like you enjoy the first row seat to that particular show."

This Darth was certainly much more entertaining than the other ones here.

“Well normally this would be handled away from council chambers but I suppose Thanaton was emboldened to make a public statement. Thanaton is no fool but he is no Baras either, a pity,” he says taking a sip of wine.

“Plus I enjoy any chance to see Marr roused, so focused and terribly dramatic that one.”
Zeno Deathwright wrote:
"Indeed. When I heard rumors of him after arriving I made it a goal to find him and challenge myself against it. Unfortunately the hunt itself was not successful, but it seemed the dark side wished to guide me to face that challenge. I faced it once in a disadvantageous situation that required a tactical retreat, but returned to face him under more equal circumstances with aspirants Tsaikzu and Vresyk. It was an exciting challenge and worth the effort and I now keep his skull as a trophy," he explains.

“Trophies are important they ensure monuments of dominance will live on aspirant. Though you share glory and power too easily,” he adds tersely.

Head GM | Darth Chocolate of the Sith | Duelist

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