The Sith witch had taken her time, to a certain extent, walking the extensive galleries and displays of the Academy museum. It had been a rare occasion when she had gotten to the museum, and in many ways she both was and wasn't a student of such ancient relics. Dwelling upon the history locked away here was useless, but, yet, her House was a firm believer in the power of the ancient Dark Side. The older the lore the better.
Her hand passed over the metallic guardrail around the central display of twisted metal. The metal, by itself, was barely noteworthy, but historically, it dated back to when the jen'jedai first landed on Korriban four millennia ago.
"To zhink zhis iz all zhat remainz of the ship zhat carried zhe dark jedi here to forge zhe new Empire vrom the shattered remains of zhe old."
_________________ Force Sensitive | Human | Reputation 6 | Fallen Sith Line | Seer | Sith Witch
"Call my family heathans; but we remember from where the Dark Side comes, and power has been our reward."